The Story Behind the Travtus Logo

The Travtus Logo

Travtus is all about taking something complex and making it simple, so when we asked UK-based design agency, Thoughtcraft, to reimagine our logo, this was the problem that their branding expert, George Hadley, would have to address: How do you instill a diverse range of services, values, and an AI teammate who can do everything, into a simple and elegant brand?

The result? He knocked it out of the park.

After the process, we caught up with George and asked him some quick-fire questions about his process.

What’s the story behind our new Travtus logo?

I researched the story of Travtus with its roots in architecture, construction, finance and technology. I also asked questions about your target market and aspirations. I then created several strategic directions to help inform the new visual identity. The team selected a route that focused on the company’s aim to add value and make positive improvements to systems and ultimately, to people’s lives. The symbol combines a plus, the letter ’T’, and a simplified human figure. It represents the digital workforce, both for real estate and the future.

What was the best thing about working with Travtus?

The turnaround time for the identity was short, but because the team was very quick and thorough in supplying information and responses, the process worked smoothly. The tech world often works in this intense rapid prototyping style, and this worked well to push through the design process at speed.

Where do you work?

I have a studio space in a co-working building in Lewes. A historic English town, set in the hills a stone’s throw inland from the city of Brighton. There are lots of other creative businesses and individuals in the building and a friendly buzzy cafe downstairs when I need some stimulation in the form of caffeine or conversation.

What’s your daily routine?

I’m very lucky to live a 5-minute walk from work, so I have a very easy commute. The working day is a combination of making lists (hopefully crossing some things off), emailing and speaking with clients, scribbling in a sketchbook and tinkering on the computer. I make sure I get some fresh air and a break from the screen at lunch and always make it back to eat with my family in the evening and chat about what we’ve all been up to.

What brands are inspiring you, right now?

Courier -

Wide-ranging insights about business and culture - traditional magazine plus newsletters and podcasts.

Headspace -

Bringing mindfulness to the mainstream with a friendly but calm illustrated aesthetic.

Art of Ping Pong -

Fusing creativity and fun while supporting good causes.

Do Lectures -

Inspiring lectures, events and publications.

Finisterre -

B Corp clothing company that makes ethical long-lasting high-quality products.

What’s next for Thoughtcraft?

A variety of interesting projects with a mix of strategy, brand identity, animation, and some more traditional print is in the mix. After a busy few months, I’m also hoping to take some time to work on my own positioning and marketing.

Visit Thoughtcraft’s website -

See George’s online scrapbook on Instagram -

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